Tuesday 24 June 2008

10 Week Transformation Tele-Series

Hey there!

I hope that you are as excited about the next 10 weeks as I am!

So here is the site for the blog that I told you about. Please log in and post your experiences, questions, suggestions...and anything else that comes up during your transformation. Even though we are individuals in the transformation, we are a team for the coming weeks. All comments are appreciated!

Have a Happy Healthy Day!

~ Rose


Anonymous said...

I bought my journal today! Can't wait to start writing!

Good luck fellow transformers!


Meibelle said...

Being that I am on a big family vacation right now, and on the beach, I must say that I CANNOT WAIT TO START THIS TRANSFORMATION!!! I'm so ready to commit 100%. It's great to be able to share our experiences together as well every week!


Sandy! said...

Hi everyone!

I am so pumped up about the program and finding my integrity!

I was wondering ... do you think it would be a good idea to write down what we eat in our Health Journals? Or is it best to only write something about food when we experience some sort of reaction or allergy?

I'd love your input, please! :-)

Vanessa said...

Hi everyone,

I am very much looking forward to transforming. Although I have always tried to stick to a healthy lifestyle, somehow I always end up falling off the wagon.

I believe having this support group will be the key to finally staying on the wagon for good.

"See" you next Monday


Nessy said...

Hi All,

would you believe, another Vanessa? How often does that happen?? ;) Thought i'd call myself Ness/Nessy to save any confusion.. i love the idea of a blog.. wish i could call in live with you guys, but sadly, our timezones dont line up.. im from Australia. I think this is perfect timing for me.. we are currently in winter here and its so tempting to just let myself go.. instead i can move into summer this year with a (drum roll...) Ta DAAAA!!

Sandy! said...

Hi Nessy!

I know how easy it is, during winter, to warm and comfort myself with the not-so-healthy choices. :-) While writing this, I actually thought of organic, grilled vegetables such as: yellow squash, zucchini, portabello mushrooms, and red peppers. Can you believe that made my mouth water more than the thought of a Hershey bar?! Wow ... something is changing here in Chicago. :-)

Be sure to keep us apprised of how you're doing!

Hey ... what's winter in Australia like anyway?!

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I made a small step (pretty big for me). I am a total SUGARHOLIC. I get completely grumpy without it. I tried once, and after a few days my husband BEGGED me to eat some fruit or bread...or else he needed to find a hotel :). So, today, I skipped the toast and had eggwhites for breakfast. Not a huge step...but a conscience effort to start moving in the right direction. Can't wait to see what Rose has in store next!

Natasha said...

I am so hopeful for this program. I feel like I have spent my entire life (or at least the last 13 years) in the "health conscious" bracket that Rose was talking about. I know what to do, and sometimes I do it for a while, but then always seem to go back to my old ways. I also have a history of disordered eating. So many years of failing myself and being unhappy has caused a lot of suffering. I really hope that this program allows us all to really make lifestyle changes that lead to healthy lives without deprivation or frustration!

Nessy said...

hey sandy!!

yeah, the good old winter spread... me, cheese crackers and dip are my weakness, but i think this will be great getting me through... besides, i love that i get to share this journey with all of you... even if im on the other side of the world! hehe, i love that i'm not alone!
Melbourne is cold, windy & rainy, but no snow... i guess its not as cold as some places, but its not nearly as fun as summer!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Yipee! I am on the blog. I have my journal and can't wait to get started.


Nessy said...

hey allie!!

the group is getting bigger :) i actually found radical honesty at my local borders today and had a read of it while drinking my coffee.. his writing style had me laughing out loud... could have used his suggestions in a few of my past relationships! ;)

Michael said...

Hello Everyone,

I happy to be part of a team of transformers!

I am now committed to remain in integrity and to do whatever it takes to overcome fatigue and to have amazing energy from when I rise to when I rest.

I have been writing in my journal and it has been very helpful regarding being honest with myself and how my decision impact my energy level.

Congratulations to all of you who have taken the action steps and have already made small changes that will lead to transformation.

I heard a teacher explain that our subconscious literally feels like it is being killed when we commit to change or transformation. It will do anything to sabotage our efforts. So send it some love and remind your subconscious you are not a murderer but a transformer. As Rose explained, it is huge when we to do that which we resist the most. It is a powerful way to break through. I know I have struggled with applying that truth to my life, and the struggle has adversely impacted my confidence and my ability to dream. I look forward to challenging myself in this class to transform; so I deepen my faith and trust in myself to be the confidant person I want to be. That confidant person whom wants to make his heart’s desires into reality.

So once again I am grateful for the support of this wonderful community.

Be well,


Theresa said...

Hi Everyone! I am currently in week 6 of the total transformation program with Rose doing the one on one sessions. I am joining this teleclass as well to keep up the work that I am doing and to continue building and learning. Most importantly, to keep building my integrity so that this is a lifeling transformation for me. I have tried diet after diet, started Monday after Monday, you know the routine. What I have learned most already is that you really have to be mentally prepared to want to make these changes. When Rose talked about integrity, this program really cannot go further withour that personal commitment. It is a lifelong commitment, but more importantly, it is a daily commitment. I am also doing my Masters in Holistic Nutrition and have been so frustrated for so long because everything I was learning wasn't working for me. I didn't have my integrity yet. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if the commitment to really transforming your life is not there, you will not move forward to your goals. Get excited, get motivated, and build your integrity daily so that you can live the life that you know you can, you want, and you deserve!

Theresa said...

Hi Everyone!

One tip that I use every week with my sessions with Rose is to take notes separate from your new health journal. Take shorthand notes so that you write down all the important points. After the call, maybe after you listen to the call again, go back with your health journal and re-write the notes down and expand on them in your own words of what they mean to you. What does the concept mean. This really has helped me take notes and then go over them again and make sure I really understand what I am writing down. If I come across something I wrote and don't really understand, I know that is a question for my next session. Just a tip that has worked great for me!

Theresa said...

If anyone still needs to purchase their books, go to Amazon.com. They have everything and you have the option of buying used books. I got all mine for $5 - $10!

GroovyGringa said...

Ok, I need help. Are there any other sugar-addicts out there that have NEVER managed to break free from sugar eating that can tell me how they are getting through it mentally?

Meibelle said...

I missed the call tonight but plan on listening to it tomorrow the minute I get it... I want to respond to the Groovy Gringa and let her know that I am a complete sugar addict, and have NEVER attempted to completely rid myself of it. The days that I have attempted have seemed literally like I'm breaking and withdrawing from a serious drug addiction. Together we can do this thing. You be my support and I'll be yours. I'm sure that once we're through the first few days of lagging energy, headaches, and cravings... it gets MUCH easier.

Rose Cole said...

I am so happy to see everyone so excited about this program! Your life will be completely changed if you stick with this. Hold yourself accountable and have integrity, and you will succeed. This program is exactly what I did that got me to my ideal weight, and increased my energy to 10x what it was! Remember… get out of your comfort zone!


Natasha said...

I am also a sugar addict!! I have tried many times to stop eating sugar, but I have always fallen back to old patterns. Some things that I have found which work for me are: brushing my teeth right after eating, chewing gum, choosing fruit instead of something unhealthy (although it still has sugar), eating more protein, going out for a walk, or doing some sit-ups...it is really hard though!!
Are most people already changing their diet? Or only doing the action steps discussed in the teleclass??

Meibelle said...

See, my problem isn't so much in cutting out the sugar, meaning actual sugar in candies and coffee, but the fact that sugar is in EVERYTHING!! I can't drink my green tea with maple syrup in the morning, I can't drink the kind of soy milk I like anymore, I can't eat any carb whatsoever including my daily afternoon apple, which is the most important part of my day energetically! Seriously, I already eat small meals every three hours and mainly no complex carbs, but without the afternoon apple, I don't know what to eat for my afternoon snack... any suggestions? Thanks! I love that I have this blog to come to! :)

Nessy said...

Hi everyone,

I hear you all, I understand that sugar is in everything, ive stopped eating it for a few months now, (with a few slips up of course...)but, believe me, it does get easier, thanks to those little things called taste buds!! They are quite adaptable, bless them ;)
soon, you'll be tasting granules of sugar in food that is suppose to taste savoury, very off putting..it's like a kid has come along and poured sherbert into you food when you werent looking...
Having said that... im not sure if we are suppose to give up fruit just yet?? perhaps during the cleanse i can understand, but fruit is a natural food..

And as long as we're not eating too much, i dont see the harm?

In fact, i was just about to eat an apple, and now im not so sure? thoughts anyone?

Vanessa said...

Hey Jessica,

How about a handful of raw, organic nuts for an afternoon snack? Walnuts or almonds are great...Not sure about the sugar content in non-fat, plain yogurt, but you could also chop the nuts and sprinkle them on the yogurt.


Meibelle said...

Good idea about the yogurt! Thanks! I have been eating the nuts, but I'm left feeling very hungry still and then I wind up eating too many nuts. But the addition to the yogurt is a great idea! And as far as the fruit concern for Nessy: Eating a small amount of fruit is fantastic except that I'm trying to start off with the sugar cleanse for 21 days so I'm trying to stay away from everything for now. I CAN'T WAIT until I can eat my apple again!!!

Vanessa said...

Hey there Jessica,

I am glad you liked the yogurt idea. Something else I like to do is slice some celery, cucumber and carrots (although i think technically carrots are no good for the 21 days sugar cleanse) and then dip them in hummus. It is delicious, very refreshing during summer time and super healthy - but be sure to get organic and blah blah blah.


Michele said...

Well I knew something was up with my energy when halfway through the teleclass well actaully before the end of the segment on tracking your energy I actaully feel asleep and woke up at the end of the call!

Meibelle said...

Is there a website that I can go to that describes in more detail the sugar cleanse? I can't seem to find the proper info and I'm afraid that I'm not doing it right.

Anonymous said...

So tonight's the night! We get to learn all the cleanse options. I am so excited. Since I help to put the paperwork together, I got a sneak peak...and I have to tell you...I am PUMPED!! Skinny Jeans, here I come!

Caitlin Durham said...

Hey Rose,

I am familiar with the Lime-Aid cleanse and understood cleanse #2 was the Biotics cleanse that you can order, but I lost track of the other two cleanses you recommend and what is entailed to complete the 31 day cleanse. Maybe I zoned out! What are those? Thanks!

Meibelle said...

Actually, I think she mentioned that she was going to cover the other two cleanses next week. Don't worry!

My question is if it's still okay to do the sugar cleanse first and then the lime-aid... I've been doing the sugar cleanse for the past week and really want to do the full 21 days! Actually, after the sugar and then the lime-aid, I think I may just go back to the sugar cleanse as a way to mainly eat for the rest of my life! It's really a good way to support an adrenal imbalance right? I've done my research!

Michael said...

Is it ok to eat fruit such as mango,and papaya when ending the cleanse?

Do we stop taking all current supplments during the cleanse.

Does this cleanse, cleanse some of our paprasites?

Thank you Rose.


Anonymous said...

Sorry For the Technical Difficulties! Here are the questions from the call tonight. Rose will be responding shortly:

How do you feel about weightlifting supplements in general and the following in specific? Glutamine, Creatine, L- Arganine, Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB)

Hi Rose, Its Vanessa here from Melbourne, Australia, missing the webcast because i have to work. :( Afew quick questions... ive read alot about the health benefits of blackstrap molasses and was just wondering what your thoughts are on it? My understand is that it comes from sugar, but doesnt appear to have the same negative effects? Also, when i filled out the metabolic assessment, i got confused my accuracy, for example, i could have a coated/fussy tongue one day, say the day i filled out the form & the next day its gone?? should i be filling this out in a similar manner to the energy check up form, filling it out as i am on that particular day? thanks Rose p.s. hi to the wonderful blogger community out there in cyberland, its great to know i'm not alone in this! Nessy

Rose Cole said...

Jessica -

I would start the limeade first then do the sugar cleanse right after. I’m going to go over the 21 day sugar detox in more depth next week, but it’s perfect to do right after the limeade fast.


Michael said...

PS: How do we prepare the uniodozed sea salt drink.

Thanks again, Michael

Rose Cole said...

Michael -

Uniodozed sea salt is something that you would purchase from a store or purchase it online. Unless it has iodine listed on the label, it is uniodized.

Rose Cole said...

Hey there Goovygringa!

I am a recovering sugar addict as well, so I can definitely relate. You’ll want to tune-in next week for sure. You can completely get rid of your cravings for sugar using this cleanse in as little as 3 days! I’ll go over how to do it next week. The limeade Cleanse will do that as well. My sugar cravings completely go away.


Rose Cole said...

Hey there Vanessa!

Yes, black strap molasses has a very low Glycemic index, so it won’t spike your insulin the way that sugar will. It’s also loaded with minerals. As with any sweetener though, go easy with it. If you have a sweet tooth like me, anything sweet can turn into a trigger and cause more cravings, so pay close attention if you start craving more food or sugar.

Yes, your body can change from day to day, so I keep track of how my body is doing that particular day in my health journal. A coated/fuzzy tongue can often be caused from too much yeast or candida in your system, but may be more overgrown or apparent some days more than others.

Rose Cole said...

Hey Caitlin,

I will be going over the other 3 cleanses in depth next week. It was too much to do in one week. The one to start with is the Limeade Cleanse anyway. Lasting 10 days, you will still be on it next week, so it’s perfect. You can just start which one of the 3 you want to do next. If you want to do the whole 31 days (it rocks! You’ll love it!) then you should order the 10 Day Detox Kit from Biotics asap so that it arrives before you end the Limeade fast. You can order it by calling 800-231-5777, and giving them the customer account number 05TD9354.

Happy cleansing!


Rose Cole said...

Hey Michael-

If you are not doing the Biotics Cleanse or the 21 Day Sugar cleanse then yes, you can have mango and papaya to come off of the cleanse. That would be perfect to come off of the cleanse. Those other 2 cleanses don’t allow fruit. If you know you want to do the Biotics Cleanse, then I would order that right away so that it gets here in time. Otherwise, I would wait until next weeks call to decide if you want to do the 21 day Sugar Detox. It’s amazing!


Michael said...

Hey Rose,

One follow up and one more question.

I'm going to do the 10 day Lime Juice cleanse. What is your advise about my gym routine. For example, do you reccommend I skip the gym perhaps for the first three days and then monitor how I feel in terms of getting back into my routine.

Regarding the sea salt drink, how much salt do I put into the glass in the AM? A pinch? How many ounces of water?

Thanks for being so deligient about answering our questions.

Natasha said...

does anyone want to exchange phone numbers or emails for moral support? I have done the master cleanse before and it can be nice to talk to someone who is going through the same stuff!

Natasha said...

oh! and when you guys do the salt water cleanse in the mornings, make sure you are relatively close to a bathroom for the next hour or so!

Natasha said...

Rose- can you give a price estimate on the Biotics cleanse?? I aim to go for the 31-day cleanse but I need to make sure it is in my budget! Thanks!

Vanessa said...

When do we start doing the sea salt? Can we do it on the morning of day 1? I am all set with all the ingredients - Tomorrow is day 1.

Vanessa said...


2 leveled teaspoons of the salt in a lukewarm quart of water


Meibelle said...

Just thought I'd pass along that there is an English Toffee STEVIA on the market at Whole Foods that if you add it to a plain yogurt it is delicious!

Diane Loughran said...

can anyone tell me if it is ok to use half lime and half lemon in the limeade cleanse


Tatiana said...

Hi Rose,

I am alergic to citrus. How shall I proceed with my initial cleanse?


Vanessa said...

So I started the cleanse today...it's been almost 24 hrs. So far it's been great; except for when I ran out of juice while stock in LA traffic. The trick is really to take a sip at least every 15 min.

My concern is: i am going on a family vacation at the end of July and as much as I would like to maintain after the cleanse, I already know there is going to be lots of drinking and eating. Should I consider doing the cleanse again for 3 to 5 days when I return to try to reverse the damage done during the vacation?


Nessy said...

Hi All & Rose,

HELP!! i've started my cleanse today...so far so good, but last night i paid $18 for 9 limes!!!! Can i completely substitute them with lemons (we have a lemon tree) instead, or will the benefits diminish as a consequence?

Happy cleansing everybody!!


Natasha said...

I am no expert, but I think you should be fine with the lemons. That is what the master cleanse uses and that gets great results too. How great you have a lemon tree!!
9 more days to go!

Natasha said...

I am no expert, but I think you should be fine with the lemons. That is what the master cleanse uses and that gets great results too. How great you have a lemon tree!!
9 more days to go!

Nessy said...

Thanks Natasha!!

you've just made my day :) I nearly fell on the floor when i saw the price... :)

If you want to stay in email contact, my details are



Natasha said...

Ok, I need help. Anyone else suffering out there?? I am on day two of the cleanse and have NO energy, I am extremely irritable, hungry, and feeling super pessimistic. Any advice??

Vanessa said...

Hi Natasha,

My boyfriend and I are both on Day 2 as well. So far we have both been fairly well. I am sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. If it is any consolation, it's supposed to get easier every day.

I know for sure drinking the juice at least every 15 min. has been crucial for me. If I don't drink it for 20 min. I begin to think "I am starving" and I smell all sorts of good stuff.

Also, keep your mind busy. Do computer work, go for a walk, clean, organize. For us, coming home after work is the toughest part of the day, because that is usually when we wind down, cook dinner, watch TV.

Watching TV, unless you are watching a movie stinks - all those food commercials trigger cravings.

2 days down girl....we can do this!!!

Vanessa said...

Ohhh, I forgot to mention - it is also very motivating and helps me to keep focus on the end goal to listen to the recordings for the teleclass at home instead of watching TV.

Hope this helps - Good Luck!!!

Nessy said...

Hey Rose,

Is there an international website that i could order the biotics cleanse from, or is it just available in the US?

If not, will i still get the same benefits substituting it with another one of your cleanses taking me up to 31 days?

Even if i can purchase it, i'm not sure it would reach me on time and i dont want to lose my momentum.

p.s Today (Day 2) detox was tough!! But, when i go to the mirror and see this fuzzy (almost white!??!) tongue poking out of my mouth, i think...gross!! This temporary discomfort is SOOO worth it!

Hoping everyone else is going well, thinking about you all..


Lisa said...

Hi everybody,

I just love this blog. It's so encouraging and it's answered a lot of my questions. Has anyone ordered the book "Change or Die" yet? I was about to order it and I saw that there are actually two different books with the same name by different authors. One is called "Change or Die: The Three Keys to Change at Work and in Life" by Alan Deutschman and the other is called "Change or Die: How to Transform Your Organization from the Inside Out" by M. David Dealy and Andrew R. Thomas. I assume the first one is the book Rose was referring to but I just wanted to double check.

Keep up the great work!!

Rose Cole said...

Michael -

When you go to the gym, just make sure to pay close attention to your body. This is something you have to judge to yourself. But I probably wouldn't do running or heavy cardio. Just remember to have your bottle because you need to take a sip every 15 minutes. During my limeaid cleanse, I took a thai chi and it was too much for me, I felt as if I would pass out. I learned that for me restorative yoga or walking was best. But you will have to judge for yourself and read your body's signs.


Rose Cole said...

I think the price is around $225, but I would call and ask them. Remember this takes the place of one meal and one snack per day. I like to think of the detox kit as part of my food allowance for the week, since I know I will be eating lot less. Plus it is so much better for you!


Natasha said...

Thanks for the encouragement! Today was a little easier. I think that I am having such a hard time because I work at a deli so I am around food and coffee ALL DAY long. The constant smell and sight of it makes me hungry. I also get frustrated and fall into the "it's not fair" trap because I serve people food all day long that are skinny and have clear skin, yet it is food that I can never eat!

I am having a hard time imagining that at the end of this all sugar cravings will be completely gone. I can't even imagine!

Thanks for the Biotics info Rose-
I actually went ahead and ordered it a few days ago to make sure it got here in time.

One week to go!

Meibelle said...

I have to say that I agree with you, Vanessa... How is it possible that after all of this we will never crave sugar again? I can't kick the cravings, and I've been on the sugar cleanse for almost two weeks now. I commend everyone that is on the lime-aid cleanse and I'm going to definitely join you all in another week, but I must say that right now I feel like pigging out on popcorn, chocolate, and ice cream, and it's all I can think about.

Rose Cole said...

Hey there Nessy,

Yes, you can order it by calling Biotics, you just have to pay a little extra for shipping to Australia. I don’t know of any other cleanses that would take the place of this unfortunately. If you decide not to do this portion you can just start in with the rest of the cleanse. That would be the next best thing.


Vanessa said...

Wow Natasha,

I had no idea you work at a deli - I truly admire your courage to even attempt to do this.

I used to work as a restaurant manager for a few years. A bunch of my friends all did the cleanse back then and encouraged me to do it. I REFUSED!!! I could have never imagined being around all that food and great aromas without cracking or freaking out on a poor customer.

You are my HERO!!

Well now that the work week is almost over - I must say I am a bit concerned about the weekend. One of my key points has been staying busy and keeping my mind focused on something. I am going to have to get really creative - and triple clean my apt., do laundry, organize all the closets, etc.

Have a great weekend!!!


togo said...

Hello! Here is a question I sent to Rose and her response. This may be helpful for some of you too.

Q: Do you have any advice for maintaining my privacy when on the cleanse? I understand the need for a support network, and I have one in my family and a close friend---but I'm a very private person, especially regarding personal care, and don't believe in telling everyone at work and all my acquaintances in a social situation when they demand to know why I am not eating or what I'm drinking from my dark nalgene bottle. There will probably be situations when I can't deflect negative comments by saying "oh I ate at home", and since many people are under the mistaken impression that cleanses and fasts are too drastic and indicate disordered eating, I don't want to announce to the room that I'm doing this for myself and invite criticism that I really don't want to deal with in a public setting.

A from Rose: This is just a matter of personal preference because I’m really big on telling everyone what I am doing to be proactive about my health. I want to encourage others to take responsibility for their health, and if I just one person is a little more open to doing a cleanse because they saw that I was doing one, then I feel good about that. I would say to just stand in your truth and be proud of every decision that you make. Everyone is going to have their opinion about you and what you do. Other than that, I would just simply not tell anyone what I was doing. I think if you lie about it that other people will feel that and know you are hiding something, and it will look even more weird, like you’re embarrassed about something you’re doing. Which you would be! I’m all about being transparent in everything I do, but that’s just my philosophy.

Natasha said...

How are you guys doing?? Have you figured out anything for the weekend?? Where do you live? I would say maybe try to be outside as much as possible, go for a walk, garden, read. Some other ideas are maybe go to a movie, or do some errands you have been putting off. Try calling people you have been out of touch with! Maybe the cleanse will even come up (if you are ok talking about it). It is good support to talk about it!!
I am feeling much better. I had a lot less hunger pains today and more energy. I still wanted to eat, but it wasn't as much torture!!

How is everyone else out there doing??

I have still been going to my power yoga classes and walking, and feel ok. I got the Biotics cleanse in the mail today and am excited for that part.

Tomorrow is half way!
Hang in there!

Michael said...


It is now August 22nd and I feel amazing! I am so excited that I have broken through on my energy level and in my faith and confidence.

This is so incredible that I have more sustained energy through out the day than I ever anticipated. I have more energy now than I did when I was a teenager! I have so much energy to serve my clients, focus on my career change to be present with my family and friends that everybody has made comments related to my better attitude and related to my health. I am so much more confident that I have what it takes now, to change my career and to transform my life. With the energy I am feeling everyday I have also dedicated more to my spiritual practice and supporting other members. This entire process has deepened my faith and I feel like a draining gloomy fog has lifted and my clarity is pristine. The trust in me is building because I know that when I say I'm going to do something I truly have the energy and integrity to follow through. I have taken the action steps to build my health consultant business and natural cosmetics business. I'm so amazed in how I feel each morning when I get up and how much I am able to accomplish in a day without feeling drained. I actually feel a strong steady current of energy all threw the day and evening. And this is without coffee or black tea! And when I sleep, it is much more of a deep sleep. Wow, sometimes I have to pinch myself to remind myself I did transform my health and my faith at the same time. It feels so good to have the trust and confidence to actually create a new dynamic career, and to have the confidence and faith to get outside my comfort zone to do so. I even see my client list and income growing so deep that I can take extended time off to travel, serve, and spend precious time with family and friends. I dig this big time, I’m so happy!

Transformation is great!

Michael D. Turner

Nessy said...

Hey all,

hope everyone is coping with the weekend... well, its my Sunday morning & did it!!! I've lasted the whole weekend... i'm about to take off window shopping while my family have their Sunday roast, but its ok, i'm not going hungry... just a little tip, but if anyone out there is gagging at the thought of drinking the salt water as i did... i nearly threw up the first time i drank it... use a straw... its worked well for me... i can drink it all now and feel fine. I'm not sure, but have others experienced this nice calming feeling after drinking the salt water? I get really chilled for a while, then i have to bolt to the bathroom LOL... all the best everyone!


Vanessa said...

Hey Natasha (I live in LA) and everyone,

Day 5 is almost over - now that I am over the halfway mark, I am certain I will be able to complete this.

Thanks for the tips...I actually did go watch Get Smart yesterday, but I guess made the mistake of doing that at City Walk. I did not break, but it was so tempting.

I guess it's not really the eating part that I miss - I am actually not hungry; It's the cultural factor, sitting with friends with wine, people watching. That was tough since City Walk is lined with tons of restaurants filled with people.

Today I volunteered at a Mobile Pet Adoption center with East Valley Animal Center. That was good - it kept me occupied for a good 4 hours.

Emotionally - I am very sensitive right now. Anyone else? Not irritable, but I guess a bit down. I also have taken naps the past couple of days which I generally never do.

Well hope everyone's weekend is going great. See you Monday...


Natasha said...

That is interesting you are feeling kinda down, I am actually feeling much less depressed than I was. I think it is mostly because I feel skinnier and more "in control" because I am not eating anything. I hope you are not too down!

Is anyone else getting sick of the lemonade?? I am having a hard time drinking it now. Plus I feel like it leaves a gross taste in my mouth and makes my teeth feel like the enamel is coming off.

Almost there though. I think these last few days are going to seem kinda long. I am excited about eating real food again!

Good luck everyone.

togo said...

Hey! A couple quick questions for you all.
1) Is anyone taking herbal capsules instead of laxative tea? Sunday was my first cleanse day and I felt fine until about 30 minutes or an hour after I took the capsule before bed---I started getting sharp stomach pains and nausea. It went away after several minutes and I feel good today, but I was wondering if maybe it hurt because there was no food in my stomach.

2) Are you guys using 3 fl oz of maple syrup per 1 liter bottle? Yesterday I divided 3oz between 2 bottles and today I realized the recipe called for 3oz EACH---but the mixture seems WAY too sweet.


Natasha said...


When we do the Biotics part of the cleanse, that leads into the sugar detox/food sensitivity area, are we allowed to eat legumes like black beans, hummus, lentils etc?? I know they have carbs in them, but they also have a lot of fiber and protein. Thanks!

I sometimes get cramps with the laxative tea that I take (regardless off if I have eaten or not). I think it is just your body working to clear things.

Good luck everyone!

Michael said...

Hi Rose,

Two Questions:
1) Did you say that we can substitute the saliva test to determine food intolerance in place of the 21 Day Food Intolerance Cleanse? Are you recommending both?

2) Will you post the information for Apex Energetics.

Thank you,

togo said...

Hi Natasha! They were really different from normal laxative cramps--a much sharper pain. I bought some senna leaf tea and had that last night instead of the capsule, and felt fine--plus, the tea was more effective.
Just something to note y'all! Capsules may not be a good idea on an empty stomach.
Have a great day!

togo said...

Hi Rose!
I ordered the Clearvite SF today and noticed their website has a 14-day and 21-day plan. Do you think I could use clearvite in place of the biotics supplements in the 10-day biotics cleanse you recommend post-limeade fast? I would do Biotics but it's a little out of my price range right now. Since we needed a protein shake anyway to break the fast, I thought that maybe I could cleanse with Clearvite for 10 days instead. Please let me know your thoughts.
Thank you!

Vanessa said...

So close I can taste it. Literally!!!!

1/2 way through day 9,


Natasha said...

Hey everyone-
So I guess I have the first oops. :(

I decided to end the fast today. I made it through 8 full days but I really had reached the point that I couldn't drink the lemonade anymore and so I was getting very low on energy and really hungry. I thought about it a lot, and decided it was best for me to end today. That I was ok with.

Most of the day went ok, but then 2:00pm came and I was really craving sugar, and I was really hungry and feeling crappy and at work (where there is tons of food!!) So I cracked and had a small piece of a pastry. :( :( Now I feel really sad. oops. I am going to start fresh tomorrow though. I know I can do it. Integrity.

I hope all the rest of you are doing well.

Natasha said...

I have a question: During the lemonade fast I lost some weight which I am very happy about. I was wondering if by following up with the Biotics cleanse and then the sugar detox and then continuing these healthy patterns if you think I can keep this weight off, or maybe even a little more. I know everyone is different and I know you can't guarantee anything, but I am so happy about it, I would hate to gain it all back.

Natasha said...

I am sorry, I have another question!! I was just wondering exactly why the Biotics cleanse is so good, why you recommend it and what exactly it is doing. I am doing the cleanse, and I looked on the internet and couldn't really find any information about why it is so great, or what all the components do. There are a lot of pills!!

Vanessa said...

So the cleanse is done and over. Surprisingly, I actually gained a pound. Does not bother me, I wasn't looking to shed lbs - although as a girl you only just wish. But it does surprise me - I mean, if anyone has ever seen me eat- you know I eat like a 200 lb man - yet if I drink the lemonade for 10 days - I put on a pound? Does not make sense.

Any who - looking forward to easing back into deliciousness.

Good luck to everyone else!!!


Vanessa said...

Hi everyone - so here is a recipe for a delicious quinoa salad.


Green onions or chives - sliced
Walnuts - rough chopped
Goji berries
Red onion - thinly sliced and soaked for 30 min. in water and vinegar
Garlic - minced
Basil - chifonnade
Grape tomatoes - sliced in half and sprinkled with salt and pepper prior to mixing
Lemons - both juice and zest
Celery - sliced
Baby spinach
Flax seed oil and/or olive oil
Cumin and/or paprika
Red pepper flakes
Water and/or vegetable/chicken/beef broth

The ratio to cook quinoa is 1 cup of quinoa per 2 cups of water or broth. Bring the quinoa to a boil, then cover and lower to simmer for about 15 min. or until all the liquid has evaporated.

Allow the quinoa to cool down, then mix all the ingredients - except lemon juice, oil, and zest and seasonings.

Add 1 tbsp of flax seed oil. If you feel you need more oil, then use the olive oil for added flavor. Add lemon juice and zest to taste - same with all the seasonings. Just try the salad as you go and figure out what tastes best to you.

Serve it at room temperature. It refrigerates well for about 5 days. Eat alone as a snack, or as a side dish to grilled chicken breast or baked halibut with an orange glaze (will post it soon).

Bon appetit!!!


Natasha said...

it is quiet out there! How is everyone doing??

Is anyone else doing the biotics cleanse??

I am on day 6 of it, and super hungry all the time! I am also really tired. Maybe that is part of the cleanse?? I am getting tired of being tired though, since I was tired all through the limeade cleanse too...

Nessy said...

hey Natasha,

what a shame you're having a rough time? I've actually been surprisingly coping ok... i loved the limeade cleanse so much, i extended it for an extra 4 days...!! My skin is looking so good & my energy is ok... i'm in the process of moving house, and historically, its a time when i'd let myself go & eat a ton of crappy take away meals... this time i've stuck to the limeade & its kept me going.. not to mention its so much easier than trying to prepare meals between 2 homes... i didnt get the biotics cleanse on time so i am thinking of doing the food intolerance 21 day plan... oh, and i found a killer site for awesome recipes later down the track for all to review http://piginthekitchen.blogspot.com/
Hang in there... your on day 6, WHAT an achievement :)
XX Nessy

togo said...

Hi all,
Halfway through day 10 of the limeade fast! Natasha, I know what you mean about being tired on the fast--I felt some weakness, but it was usually when I wasn't good about drinking every few minutes. Overall though, I felt a positive change--weight loss and bloat reduction...how about you? I did some number crunching and was actually able to get the Biotics cleanse. But I expect to be pretty satisfied since I managed to stay full with all that liquid on the fast. Who knew I'd ever be so excited to have a powder-and-water protein shake for breakfast tomorrow though?!?

Quick question for Rose and anyone else who practices yoga: I am considering switching from a gym membership to a yoga studio that offers all forms of yoga. The cost of the gym and yoga studio are equal, but I am concerned that doing only yoga will not be enough to help me continue to lose weight, though I would be doing the vigorous forms: hot, ashtanga, vinyasa. I would probably go every day and sometimes twice a day, but do you think it would have the same effect as 30min on the elliptical and weights? I used to do yoga once a week to supplement intense workouts at the gym in college, and I remember that when I started yoga, that's when my body really began to develop lean muscle--and it felt so much better than exhausting myself on the machines! Any input?

Natasha said...

I am not a health expert but over the last two years I have transitioned from training for triathlons 25-30 hours per week to doing vinyasa power yoga/walking about 5 times per week. I am on my feet all day at my job, but I still think that yoga can be an amazing total body workout, and I am totally happy with it. I also did Bikram yoga for a long time which gets up a good sweat, but I found it didnt allow me to expand enough on my yoga practice. I know a lot of people who only do yoga and are very physically fit. I think it is good to switch things up, and keep a variety so you don't get bored, but yoga is a great all-body (and mind!) workout!

togo said...

Thanks for your input Natasha! It's my first day of the Biotics cleanse and I see what you mean about the exhaustion. Feeling really tired and weak--almost like a hangover. But we were drinking maple syrup for the last 10 days, which IS sugar---so maybe this is withdrawl?

Don't find I'm that hungry, but do think the Biotics shake is really disgusting, and haven't been finishing it entirely. Have been mixing with Almond Breeze and downing it as quickly as possible through a straw. Has anyone tried anything else to make it taste better??? Or do I just need to suck it up for 10 days?

Natasha said...

I think the shake is pretty gross too. I just make it with water. I have tried blending it with ice, which doesn't make much of a difference. I have also tried adding a little cinnamon, but that doesn't help that much either! I also think the pills are gross. They all taste like oregano, and there are SO many!
I'd be interested to know if you are hungry after a few days. I wasn't initially after starting stopping the lemonade fast either, but then when my metabolism picked up again I was. I am also still seriously craving sugar...
How is everyone else doing??

Michael said...

Hello everybody.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Has anyone else felt nauseated and gittery taking the powdered drinks and the supplements? I decided to cut back on the amount.

Any suggestions for snacks during the day or is it pretty much nuts?



togo said...

Hi everyone!
Hope you all had a good week, cleansing and otherwise. I would just like to share a breakthrough I had a couple of hours ago. Day 3 of the Biotics cleanse is wrapping up right now, and I had managed to stay away from the "bad" foods--even though my boss treated the entire office to pastries from one of the best French bakeries in NYC this morning (which of course I had to go order). At lunch I ate more food than is recommended on the cleanse because I was sitting at my desk, not really focusing on my meal, and it was gone before I realized I felt very full. An hour or so later I suddenly began craving sugar again for the first time since I began the limeade cleanse. Although I managed to stay strong at work, when I got home I caught sight of my roommate's bag of Tostito's tortilla chips and cracked. Here is where the breakthrough comes in: as I chewed the first chip, I felt my body actually TREMBLE, like a drug or nicotine addict getting a fix. Though the chip was supposed to be salty, all I tasted was the SWEETNESS of the corn. Of course I couldn't stop at one, but I'm actually happy that I broke because now it's crystal-clear to me that:
1) I am PHYSICALLY addicted to sugar given my body's response--although I was harboring doubts about the plausability of physical addiction to food.
2) Eating processed food makes me feel terrible in the aftermath.
3) It's true that large meals (even when composed of "clean" foods) can spike your blood sugar and trigger cravings.

Hopefully my experience will inspire you to stay strong. The best lessons are learned through mistakes--but better if they are the mistakes of others!
Have a great weekend! ~ Alina

togo said...

I think one of the cardinal rules of the Biotics cleanse is that you don't eat anything other than the meals and shakes, but I get the desire to snack just before lunch in the 11-12:30 time frame too. One thing to try is to just slowly begin to eat your lunch then--a couple of forkfuls of salad. So basically it's just a prolonged meal.
Also, herbal teas help--Celestial Seasonings has a mind bogling selection of flavors you wouldn't expect to find. Their Honey-Lemon Green Tea is great (no actual honey in it though), as is their Apple-Cinnamon. And in the winter they carry Gingerbread and Winter Sleigh Ride, which are great subsitutes for traditional treats!

Michael said...

Alina, thank you for your response and for your suggestions. And congratulations on your breakthrough!

I have read some comments from some people about feeling weak and tired during the cleanse and detox. I have definitely felt that way. I have definitely slowed down and I was taking longer naps, which is a good thing. I have felt a gradual and tangible increase in my energy level about the third week in. Also I'm very happy that I'm finally in the habit of cooking fresh foods at home.

Sending supportive energy to my fellow transformers.

Michael said...

Hi Rose,

1.Is it accurate to say steaming foods for a short amount of time will keep them cooked under the 118 degree mark?

2. What is your opinion about eating accordng to blood type?

Thank you.


togo said...

Guys, I've been reading a lot of books on eating raw over the last couple of weeks and implementing some of the principles and I must say---it's been incredible. If you have not yet done any research, I highly recommend Natalia Rose's "The Raw Food Detox Diet", which is a lot more practical and talks a lot more about transitioning to eating more raw foods, whether you choose to adopt the lifestyle or just pick up some great tips. It's great for people like me and you, for whom living off juice and vegetables alone may seem a little extreme at this time. I have not been juicing, but just starting doing some proper food combining while on the Biotics cleanse and eating more raw vegetables in addition to abstaining from fruit and grains as Rose recommends. I AM NOT HUNGRY--at all. Just satisfied. And lighter. And after only 3 days of proper combining had great energy and was in a great mood.

Then, yesterday, I chose to have a big chocolate chip cookie (probably the equivalent of 2-3 regular ones) with some peanut butter and milk---and really experienced what sugar does to a clean body. Nausea set in immediately, a few minutes later I was slammed with a headache around the forehead and temples (and I hadn't had a headache in years), my energy and mood plummeted, and I had trouble focusing my eyes-----all in the first hour. I lost my appetite for the rest of the day. Now, the next day, I still feel a bit off. But I did enjoy the cookie :)

Another good raw book if you are a gourmand is Raw Food, Real World by a raw food chef in NY. I've had food from their takeout place here are it was amazing. Especially the desserts. They are made with agave and stevia--and I actually felt satisfied after eating them, instead of craving more. Many of the recipes are a bit complex and require expensive ingredients, but I just use their BIG SALAD recipe, which is really tasty --the flavor combo is wonderful! Natalia Rose's recipes are much much simpler, affordable, and still good---can't wait to try her avocado-based chocolate pudding. There also seems to be a huge Raw Community presence online, with lots of transformational stories, recipes, etc.
Some searchable people are: David Wolfe, Shazzie, Natalia Rose.
Some good websites are: live-live.com, www.therawfooddetoxdiet.com
Here's a raw pumpkin pudding recipe written by a blogger which has gotten great reviews from testers:

Have a great time exploring!

Natasha said...

Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is doing well. I was wondering if most people are feeling full with the new ways we are eating?? I know Alina says she was. I struggle a lot to feel full, or satisfied all day long. I feel like I am always hungry. I am eating lots of veggies (mostly raw, but some cooked), small amounts of quinoa/brown rice, a tiny bit of fruit (usually just a few blueberries in my am rice protein smoothie) and lots of healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts and coconut oil). I don't really eat meat, I will eat fish occasionally, but I eat beans. However, I feel hungry almost all the time. I try to stop when I am 80% full, but then I just feel hungry even more. I worry I am eating too much fat too, I will often have 1/2 an avocado, some olive oil, and nuts all at one meal with a bunch of veggies/a little brown rice and I am still not full....any advice??
I also find myself feeling dizzy and still pretty tired. I work out, and have a very active job, so it is really inconvenient!!

Vanessa said...


Can I add some Goji berries to my salads during the Biotics cleanse? or are they out because they are technically fruit?



Wellness With Rose Blog said...

Goji berries would be fine on the Biotics cleanse. Yes, they are technically a berry, but they are VERY low on the Glycemic level, but I would only have a few sprinkled on your salad.
