Friday 3 October 2008

The Hidden Cause Of Heartburn, Stomach Aches, Gas & Bloating

It may not be what you think.

When Linda came to me, she occasionally suffered from indigestion, from what she thought was due to high stomach acid. What she didn't know was that the food allergies, depression, dry skin, and rosacea on her cheeks were all connected to her digestive issues... and that it was actually LOW stomach acid which was causing the whole mess.

Who would have thought that LOW stomach acid, also know as hypochlorhydria, could be the root cause of all of these symptoms and disorders:

-Heartburn (often thought to be caused by too much stomach acid!)
-Bloating, belching, flatulence and gas
-Constipation or diarrhea
-Low energy
-Hair loss in women
-Food allergies
-Dry skin
-Autoimmune disease

What the Multi-Billion dollar ant-acid industry doesn't want you to know:

While most people reach for antacids when they're experiencing indigestion and bloating, LOW stomach acid may actually be the culprit.... and you may be doing some really serious damage to your health while taking those antacids.

I'm talking about both over-the-counter ant-acids like Tums and prescription antacids like Prilosec.

I know what you're thinking... Huh? LOW stomach acid?!

When our stomach acid is too low, the proteins in our stomach can start to ferment from not being broken down properly, and the off-gassing from this process creates pressure in our stomachs. (Imagine a soda bottle that you shook-up) The pressure in your stomach then builds up, pushing open the valve at the top of our stomachs, painfully splashing into your esophagus and causing acid reflux and heartburn.

Not everyone experiences digestive issues when they have hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid)... if fact, most people don't even know they have it... which is scary.

The problem with not knowing you have it is that your health can start to slowly decline. By the time you figure out why, it's a lot harder to correct the damage that's been done.

I also want to clear up a common misconception. Just because you eat acidic foods like orange juice, tomatoes, or coffee, it doesn't mean it's going to increase your stomach acid... we're talking about two completely different types of acid. Stomach acid is Hydrochloric acid which is produced by the stomach, not found in the foods we eat.

I thought it was important to make a clear distinction because I often have people who come to me with hypochlorhydria who say "but I don't understand how I could have low stomach acid... I eat lots of oranges and tomatoes".

Somehow the antacid industry has us believing that stomach acid is bad for us. (It may have something to do with the fact that it's a billion-dollar industry!)

Stomach acid is actually GOOD for you; believe it or not!

There are 5 main reasons why you don't want to have too low of stomach acid:

1. You can become protein malnourished. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) converts pepsinogen to pepsin... Without stomach acid you can't breakdown, absorb or utilize protein! Why is protein important you ask? Because protein is vital for virtually everything in the body: healthy muscles, ligaments, tendons, organs, glands, nails and hair. The body's requirement for protein is directly related to good health. Try building muscle when you don't have the basic building blocks to make it! This is when some people have a hard time building or maintaining muscle, have weak nails or unhealthy hair.

2. Creates the perfect environment for things to live in your body that you don't want there: Our stomach acid is so acidic that if you were holding it in your hand it would burn a hole in it. (Good thing we have that protective mucus lining in our stomachs!) Because of this extreme low PH, this means that it can destroy invaders like bacteria, fungus, parasites, and viruses that try to enter our bodies on our food. In this way, our stomach acid works as one of our first lines of defense for our immune system; it sterilizes our food!

3. Could be robbing you of energy and vitality. You can eat a perfect diet, but if you can't breakdown, absorb and utilize the nutrients it won't matter! The more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we get out of our food, the more energy and vitality we have... it's as simple as that.

If we have to use more of our body's own energy and nutrients to digest our food than the food has in it, there is a deficit of energy.

Instead, we want to put hi-octane fuel in our tanks by making it as easy for our body to get all the energy and nutrients out of our food as possible.

Natural aging, a poor diet, the use of certain medications, such as Aspirin for instance, and past infection from H. pylori bacteria can impair the stomach's ability to produce acid.

Think about it... if you use antacids for heartburn relief or indigestion, they're not a cure for what is probably causing these problems in the first place. It's simply a Band-Aid.

Taking pills that further neutralize stomach acid can make your digestion even worse! You'd be doing more of what may have gotten you into this mess to begin with.

The reasons stomach acid is good for you:

Stomach acid or hydrochloric acid (HCl), is a very powerful digestive agent, and is absolutely essential for health.

HCl's important functions include:
-Breaking down proteins into the essential amino acids which your body needs in order to stay healthy.
-Allows nutrient absorption: Many vitamins and minerals require proper stomach acid in order to be properly absorbed, including iron, calcium, vitamin B12, and folic acid.
-Preventing disease: the low PH of the stomach acid destroys bad bacteria, microorganisms, and parasites that may have hitched a ride into your body on your food. (Yuk!)

As you age, your stomach acid tends to decrease, and a poor diet of processed foods is just going to add fuel to the fire and lead you to both digestive and immune problems.

Increase your stomach acid, and heal your digestion & your health.

Here are four of my favorite ways to balance your stomach acid, and make sure you're digesting your food properly... so you avoid painful heart-burn.

1. Add ginger & cilantro to your diet. Some foods will make the problem worse, and other foods that will make the problem better and encourage healthy stomach acid and aid in digestion. These are just two of the many foods that will help aid in digestion.

2. Drink all liquids separately from meals. Yep! You read me correctly. Your stomach acid is a liquid, so by drinking when you eat you are diluting the stomach acid that we want to keep nice and concentrated and strong. This may take some getting used to, but a good habit nonetheless.

3. Take a stomach acid test: Simple and inexpensive at-home testing can determine if you have low stomach acid - contact me at to find out how.

4. Take a digestive enzyme capsule and HCl tablet with every meal to increase digestion. Taking a supplement capsule designed specifically to help you digest proteins from all animal and vegetable sources is the fastest way to prevent stomach aches and heartburn and aid in digestion.

If you think that you might need some advice about your digestion, or you've experienced pain or discomfort and think it might be related to stomach acid, then give me a call for a free 15-minute nutrition assessment. I have a system of 10 simple steps (seven that I didn't have time to mention in this newsletter) that can help you end your discomfort immediately. I'd like to help you. Just give me a call, or send me an email...

(888) 898.WELL

There is no reason to suffer. So start by healing the root cause and watch your energy and vitality improve, ALL NATURALLY! Please forward this to anyone you know who may be suffering with these ailments or who could benefit from this information. Have a happy healthy day!

P.S. I'd REALLY like hear what you think about my newsletters. Please email me at with any feedback or comments.If you have a Success Story from something I shared with you, write "Success Story" in the subject line of the email. (I like to read these first!). And if you'd like to ask me a question, write "Question for Rose" in the subject line.To Signup for my eLetter go to

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinion of Rose Cole, unless otherwise noted. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Rose Cole and her community. Rose Cole encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

10 Week Transformation Tele-Series

Hey there!

I hope that you are as excited about the next 10 weeks as I am!

So here is the site for the blog that I told you about. Please log in and post your experiences, questions, suggestions...and anything else that comes up during your transformation. Even though we are individuals in the transformation, we are a team for the coming weeks. All comments are appreciated!

Have a Happy Healthy Day!

~ Rose

Thursday 9 August 2007

Which Sweetener is the Most Dangerous?

Have you ever ordered an iced tea, and then stared blankly at those little colored packets on the table, not knowing which one to choose?

You know that some of the choices are unhealthy, but which ones? And why are they unhealthy?

You hear that some of them cause cancer, but doesn’t everything cause cancer these days? I mean… are they really that bad for you? And are any of them better for you than the rest?

And the real question weighing on all of our minds… which sweeteners will make me fatter… real sugar or artificial sugar?

Well here’s the real kicker! Are you sitting down? Artificial sweeteners are not a diet aid, in fact, they can make you gain MORE weight.

According to researchers, the number of Americans who consume artificial sweeteners has grown* from less than 70 million people in 1987 to over a whopping 160 million in 2000. So why aren’t American’s getting thinner? We’re actually getting more overweight and obese by the day.

"The American Cancer Society (1986) documented the fact that persons using artificial sweeteners gain more weight than those who avoid them" (Roberts 150)

So how can these man-made sugars sabotage weight-lose efforts?

Many researchers now believe that aspartame may actually stimulate appetite and cause more cravings for carbs and sugar.

Normally, when we eat an antiquate amount of carbohydrates, or sugar, serotonin levels in the brain rise. This alerts us that we’ve had enough to eat. When you eat aspartame and carbohydrates together, like having a diet pop and a sandwich, the aspartame stops the production of serotonin, and that feeling of having had enough never quite happens

Artificial sweeteners have also been shown to block the conversion of the brain chemicals phenylalanine to tyrosine in your brain…. So you’re probably asking yourself “what does that mean to me?”

“Why is it important to have tyrosine?” Oh, little things like brain function, suppressing your appetite, fat lose, thyroid health, to fight fatigue, stress reduction, alleviating depression and anxiety, headaches… need I say more?

Here’s another reason artificial sweeteners may not be a good weight lose tool…

According to Health psychologist Daniel C. Stettner, PhD, when manufacturers lower the sugar content in foods, they very often will increase the salt or the fat content to compensate for any change in how it tastes or feels in the mouth. To give you an example, sugar-free ice creams can be made higher in fat.

Another reason you may want to avoid using artificial sweeteners… you could be having a reaction to artificial sweeteners that you may not even know is related.

Studies have found that there are a whole slew of adverse reactions from artificial sweeteners- like headaches, trouble remembering, depression, nervousness, irritability, nausea, insomnia…just to name a few.

If you stop using artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, and adverse reactions that you were experiencing go away, maybe even symptoms that you didn’t realize were connected to them, it’s important to spread the word and tell others. You can make a big difference in your friends and family’s health.

You may also want to write a letter to the alert the FDA… so that they can pile it up with the thousands of other letters they’ve receive of adverse reactions to aspartame.

So why are artificial sweeteners legal if they’re so bad for us? We have to be smart consumers and take initiative for our own health. Apparently the government isn’t going to do it for us.

Ok, so now that we’ve rules out those little pink and blue packets of artificial sweeteners, then how about white table sugar?

I have some more bad news for you… sugar and carbs make you fat. This country went through the whole cut-out-fat diet, and they got fatter than ever! When we cut out the fat, we started eating more carbs, and it didn’t work.

According to experts, sugar addiction is very similar to an addiction to heroin or morphine. We all know someone, and maybe it’s you, who acts almost like a crack addict when it some to sugar… like a junky looking for their next fix.

If you think you’re not addicted to sugar, I have a little challenge for you… I want you to try to go a week without eating sugar or baked goods and bread.

Most people cave in the first day! I’d definitely call that an addiction. This is where all of our rationalizations kick in. It’s amazing what we can convince ourselves of.

I have something else to tell you right now that may shock you. Many health experts now believe that sugar is the fuel for cancer cells. How is this? Cancer thrives in environments with little or no oxygen. That's why cancer loves refined sugar - not being easy to digest, sugar ferments in the body. With alcohol, it's already fermented when we drink it. Fermentation occurs in an anaerobic environment - no oxygen.

Now you may be in for a big surprise if you’re using those little yellow packets… Splenda (the brand name for sucralose). Ah… the marketing brilliance of Splenda. Splenda is not natural. It’s a sugar molecule that has been synthetically altered in a laboratory by adding chlorine to it. Our bodies don’t poses the metabolic machinery to break this down because it’s a chlorinated compound.

Everyone reacts differently to chemicals, and some of you may be more sensitive to the reactions of these fake sugars than others, but there have been just as many reactions reported to sucralose as the other artificial sugars.

They didn’t know what the health risks of smoking were until it was too late for many people. With these new artificial sweeteners, we don’t know what the long term effects are yet. Better to be safe than sorry, and with so many great tasting alternatives, it seems like a no-brainer.

Let’s make one thing clear that a lot of people are confused about. Carbs and sugar are the same thing. Your body breaks down carbs (carbohydrates) into sugar, so all of these low carb diets are just low sugar diets.

Processed white table sugar- causes tooth and cavities, the use synthetic chemicals to process, the finished product contains non of the nutrients, minerals or vitamins of the original plant.

Hidden sources of sugar that could be feeding your addiction: you know right away anything that ends with a “ose”, means sugar. The food industry tries to sneak in sugar wherever it can under different names. Here are some of the aliases that sugar goes under:
- Cane juice (organic cane juice)
- Evaporated cane juice
- Corn syrup
- Corn sugar
- Cane syrup
- Raw cane sugar
- Raw sugar
- Fructose
- Brown sugar
- sucrose
- High fructose corn syrup

Start reading your food labels, and you’ll probably be appalled like I was by all of the places they sneak it in.

So you’re probably thinking “…what the heck do I do no? …sugars or artificial sweeteners are in everything!”.

Don’t panic! The trick is to cut them out wherever you can, and this doesn’t mean you’re never going to be able to eat anything sweet again.

Here’s some tricks for cutting out the dangerous sweeteners, and replacing them with healthy sweeteners.

Ketchup is loaded with sugar. I looked on the back of my organic peanut butter the other day, and found that they had snuck in some “organic cane juice”.

Sodas-14 of those little white packets of sugar per can! If you’re giving soda to your children- beware. It’s like giving a child rocket fuel, and then telling them to sit still!

Limit baked goods, processed foods, and corn syrup.

What the heck does raw sugar mean anyway? Well… it means that is hasn’t been totally processed and striped of all of it’s nutrients. Raw sugar still has it’s chromium in it, which causes sugar to ferment and to be brown in color, ironically it also helps your body handle sugar, so it’s a slightly better alternative to the white packs of sugar.


What if I told you there was an ALL NATURAL sweetener that was:
- 200 to 300 times sweeter than regular white table sugar
- Had NO calories
- Safe for children
- Suitable for diabetics
- Doesn’t cause cavities
- Is widely available in supermarkets and health food stores across the country
- Heat stable, so you could cook and bake with it
- Has liquid and powder forms- mixes well in cold beverages
- A great alternative to man-made sweeteners
- Already used in many countries all around the world

Well this amazing no-calorie sweetener is called Stevia, and is just beginning to get noticed in the United States। It’s been used in Japan for nearly two decades.

So here’s the sweetener packet breakdown…

Pink Packets: NutraSweet- artificial, chemical based, linked to cancer, not safe for children
Blue packets: Equal- artificial, chemical based, linked to cancer, not safe for children
Yellow packets: Splenda- artificial, chlorine added to sugar molecules, many reported side effects
White packets: refined sugar- processed, causes weight gain, causes tooth decay
Brown packets: raw sugar- some minerals and nutritional value left, better choice than white sugar
Green packets: Stevia- all natural, no calories, safe for children, safe for diabetics

Are you starting to see a trend here? The more we humans go in and try to improve on nature, mess around with the molecules, and process things so they’ll have a longer shelve life, the worse it is for you. Food in its most natural form is the best for you, and actually helps to fight cancer many times, unlike many artificial foods which have been shown to cause cancer.

It’s all about choices. You don’t have to turn into one of those paranoid health nuts…

Every person is different, and every diet plan is different, so if you’d like me to help you decide which sweetener is best for you and your health needs, just give me a call to set up a nutrition assessment: 888-898-WELL.

Have a happy healthy day!


Disclaimer: The entire contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions of Rose Cole, unless otherwise noted. The information on this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Rose Cole and her community. Rose Cole encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Friday 22 June 2007

Boycotting Hair Dye – save your money - save your health

I was paying $150+ on getting my hair colored and highlighted (which is bargain shopping compared to some of the woman we all know), when I finally woke up one day. Why am I coloring my hair a slightly different variation of my own natural hair color, and putting toxic cancer causing chemicals on my scalp while I’m at it? And am PAYING for it to boot!!

I was telling this guy about the fiasco at my hair dressers, when he asked me what my natural hair color was. I paused for a second, thinking to myself, what difference does it make? And then I had to look down at my hair and think for a second. I had been coloring my hair since high school. I told him “I think it’s pretty close to this color” with which he replied “so then why do you color it?”.

The truth of the matter is that most men don’t even notice a good dye job, much less appreciate it.

We take time out of our day, away from our work, away from our families, to drive to the salon and put chemicals on our heads.

So I started to do a little research about putting all of those chemicals right on your noggin. Well it turns out that hair dressers have MUCH higher incidences of certain kinds of cancer, believed to be linked to the chemicals in the hair dye.

That was enough for me. I now buy a $17 box of ORGANIC hair dye from Whole Foods (only because I’m vain and I have a few grey hairs), and no one has noticed the difference. If fact, I often get complimented on my hair!